Escudo de la República de Colombia
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The Sister Chapters program helps prepare our students for the increasingly global environment they will enter upon graduation. It allow the chemical engineers of tomorrow get acquainted with different cultures and customs through a network with students from other country. In addition, it enables to the chapters discuss their goals and give each other ideas on how to improve their Student Chapters.

Currently, the Sister Chapter of the AIChE Student Chapter from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, belongs to the University of Michigan, with whom we have been involved for more than a year. An interesting fact about them is their advisor, Professor Scott Fogler author of the book "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering", to learn more about them you can check their website by clicking here.

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As part of the interaction with our sister chapter, we began to share videos to get to know each other a little bit more. They sent us a video in which some of their members give us a short greeting, and take us on a tour though their university campus. Check the video below:


If you can not watch the video, click here

Also, we have made a fun video for them, in which some of our members present themselves and share some of their hobbies. Check the video below:

If you can not watch the video, click here.

If you can not watch the video, click here