Escudo de la República de Colombia
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Annually, the professional organization for Chemical Engineers -AIChE- delivers more than 60 prizes, including money, certificates, plaques, medals, scholarships and trips stipends. This is done during the Annual Student Conference that is organized in different cities from the United States.

To date, the AIChE UNAL MED student has received several recognitions, among which are:


Outstanding Student Chapter Award

It recognizes the AIChE Student Chapters that show an exceptional level of participation, enthusiasm, program quality, professionalism and participation in the university and the community. The chapter is given a plaque with the name of the president and the advisor that corresponds to the recognition period in it.

Among the selection criteria are: the participation of student members and teachers, number of meetings and events, variety of activities, including professional orientation, outreach to the community, departmental activities, social events, plant trips, sporting events and the participation in local, regional and global AIChE programs.


2018 - 2019: Mario Fernando Franco Varón (President), Aura Margarita Alvis Sanchez (Vice President) - Alejandro Molina Ochoa (Advisor)

 2017 - 2018: Mayra Alejandra Bejarano Barahona (President), Sara Duque Martínez (Vice President) - Alejandro Molina Ochoa (Advisor)

2016 - 2017: Jefferson Sneider Quiroz Fabra (President), Sara Catalina Cure Zapata (Vice President) - Alejandro Molina Ochoa (Advisor)

2015 - 2016: Manuela Walteros Leon (President), Sara Catalina Cure Zapata (Vice President) - Alejandro Molina Ochoa (Advisor)

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Plaques awarded in recognition of the AIChE Student Chapter of the Universidad Nacional sede Medellín


International Student Chapter Leadership Development Travel Grant

It facilitates the participation and leadership development of the international student chapter members in the Annual Student Conference, and strengthens AIChE's relationship with these future world leaders. Up to eight travel grants are awarded annually to the International Chapter leaders to attend the Annual Student Conference. Each winner is awarded: Round trip tickets to the conference location, complimentary registration in the Annual Student Conference and hotel accommodation.


2015: Juan David Perez Gozalez


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 Winners of Travel Grant 2015, from right to left is Juan D. Perez in the second position.


Donald F. Othmer Sophomore Academic Excellence Award

Recognizes a single student chapter member who has reached the highest academic average during his / her first and second year, on the recommendation of the Advisor. The winner is awarded: Free registration at the next Annual Student Conference (valued at $ 99 USD), a travel allowance of $ 50 to attend the next Annual Student Conference and a certificate of recognition.


2017: Susana Ramírez Restrepo


Freshman Recognition Award

It recognizes the member of the student chapter who, during his / her first year of major, has been the most active in the activities organized by the chapter. The nomination is made on the recommendation of the Advisor. The winner is awarded: Free registration at the next Annual Student Conference (valued at $ 99 USD), a travel allowance of $ 50 to attend the next Annual Student Conference and a certificate of recognition.


2019: Aura Cristina Ramírez Ramírez

2017: Aura Margarita Alvis Sanchez

2016: Mario Fernando Franco Varón


ScaleUp Sponsors Essay Contest Travel Award for the Annual Student Conference

The corporate sponsors of AIChE grant scholarships that can be used to attend the AIChE Annual Student Conference. To participate, students must submit a written essay on one of the topics proposed by the corporate sponsors. The winner is awarded: $ 500 USD. 


2018: Jefferson Sneider Quiroz Fabra